2023-2024 Catalog


Regular class attendance, active participation in class sessions, and engagement with instructors and peers are some of the elements that directly impact academic success. At the Community College of Aurora, students are expected to attend all class sessions regardless of their delivery method (face-to-face, online, remote, etc.) and they are not excused from required course work due to absences or lateness.

Instructors provide their course’s attendance policy on the first day of class, which allows students to make informed decisions about their ability to meet the course requirements. The students are expected to communicate any foreseeable and unforeseeable conflicts to the instructor as early as possible to address alternative assignments or submission dates. If the length of the absence will be longer than one week, the instructor and student will determine whether there is sufficient opportunity for the student to make up the work.

Instructors do not count absences due to jury duty or subpoena activities; religious, spiritual or cultural observances; military commitments; pregnancy and parenting; some health situations; etc. against the number of absences allowed. However, in program with special accreditation requirements, attendance expectations may be enforced by the accrediting organization and be beyond the control of the instructor.

Student attendance is recorded by the instructor from the first day of class and officially reported to the College at the end of the course. Students who do not attend any class before the course’s Census day will be dropped from the course by the instructor. Students who receive financial aid or other type of financial support should consult with the College’s Financial Aid representatives or other support provider to receive information on the financial impact of dropping or withdrawing from the course, which may impact eligibility for future financial awards.

Only students registered for the course may attend that class, except for trained interpreters and other support people approved by the Director of Disability and Equity when appropriate. Those interested in only auditing the class must register for the class and pay tuition. The College extend the privilege of students bringing their children in the classroom (never in science labs, simulation labs, film/video studios, construction sites, police and fire academy facilities, or any place a potential hazard could exist) on a limited and infrequent basis. This privilege may be revoked at the discretion of the instructor at any time.