2021-2022 Catalog

Directory Information for FERPA

It is in the best interest of student safety and privacy to limit the disclosure of directory information to items that would provide immediate access to a student. Immediate access to a student could be obtained by disclosing student address, telephone number, or class schedule.

The following information is permissible for release and is considered part as the college's directory information:

  • Student name
  • Major Field of study
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Dates of attendance (semester, not individual class dates)
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Most recent educational institution attended
  • Enrollment status (e.g. full-time, half-time, less than half-time, withdrawn, graduated or deceased)

Student’s names and dates of attendance at CCA are considered public information. CCA responds to inquiries in this regard, whether they are made in person, by phone or in writing. Other items are also considered public information, but disclosure can be prevented. The Admissions, Registration and Records office must receive a written statement requesting the information to be withheld. Directory items can appear in college directories and publications or be disclosed by staff to anyone inquiring in person, by phone, or in writing.

Student names may be released for graduation listings and lists of special awards, honors, events, and to the news media. In addition, graduation lists which may include student e-mail and address information may be released to 4-year institutions at the discretion of the college. All other information contained in student records is considered private and not open to public without student consent.

The following individuals have access to student records because of their official functions: CCA officials, officials at other schools and colleges to which the student applies, state or federal education authorities, officials evaluating the application for financial aid, state and local officials requesting reporting data, organizations conducting studies for educational institutions or agencies, accrediting organizations, parents of dependent students (proof of dependency is required - CCA will attempt to notify the student before releasing information), and the Department of Veterans Affairs. In addition, CCA may also provide information without consent to comply with Judicial orders, in emergencies where the information in the student file is needed to protect the health, safety, or welfare of the student or that of other persons, to institutions with whom CCA has transfer agreements and students have declared an intent to transfer to that institution, and in response to requests made by military recruiters who are granted access to students in higher education by the Solomon Amendment.

A complete copy of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is available in the Admissions, Registration and Records office, CentreTech Campus, Administrator Building, Room A102, at the Lowry Campus, Lowry Student Services Office, West Quad, Room 119 or online at www.CCAurora.edu/students/student-right-know/ferpa.