Office of the President
Office of the President
Betsy Oudenhoven, President
B.S., St. Lawrence University; M.A., University of Colorado - Boulder; Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago
Tami Morrissey, Executive Assistant to the President
Bobby Pace, Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs
B.A., Virginia Commonwealth University; M.A., Virginia Tech; Ph.D. University of Denver
Angela Marquez, Vice President of Student Affairs
B.S., M.A., M.L.S., Regis University; Ph.D., Colorado State University
Lynne Winchell, Vice President of Administrative Services
B.S., MBA, Regis University
Christopher Ward, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness
B.A., Concordia College; M.Div., San Francisco Theological Seminary M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Cindy Hesse, Director of Human Resources
B.S., Colorado State University
Vacant, Special Assistant to the President for Inclusive Excellence