2020-2021 Catalog

Addendum for 2020-2021 Catalog

While every possible step has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the catalog, sometimes minor changes must be made throughout the year that are in the interest of the students or the College. These are the course and/or program updates and changes made online after the publication of the 2020-2021 catalog.


Catalog Change Date updated

Change in the Electives of the Paralegal Certificate 

FROM: Any other PAR course that is offered in the schedule TO:  Any other PAR courses approved by the department

LIT 255 Children's Literature is now a GT Pathways course, AH2  5/6/2020
MAT 155 Integrated Math I is now a GT Pathways course MA1  5/6/2020 
 MAT 156 Integrated Math II is now a GT Pathways course MA1  5/6/2020 
ETH 215 Diversity and Diversification is now a GT Pathways course SS3   5/6/2020
New Course Added ANT 212 Intro Forensic Anthropology with Lab GT-SC1 5/6/2020 
ANT 201 is no longer offered.  5/6/2020
ASL 221 American Sign Language IV is a GT Pathways course AH4 beginning Fall 2020    6/9/2020
 WST prefix changed from Women's Studies to Women and Gender Studies 6/9/2020 

ART 239 contact hours incorrect

Updated contact hours from 45 contact hours to 90 contact hours


AAS Respiratory Therapy, articulated with Pickens Technical College updated due to curriculum changes at Pickens

RCA 161 removed and RCA 289 now required

Added MAT 121 as an option for the math requirement.

Removed ANT 111, BIO 204, and GEY 135 from the Natural and Physical Sciences, One 2-lab course sequence in any guaranteed transfer science discipline (GT-SC1).  These classes were listed erroneously; they are not part of a sequence. 11/10/2020 

LIT 255 course description incorrect

Updated from: Explores works by William Shakespeare, focusing on a careful reading of these works as well as an exploration of pertinent contextual and historical information. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.

To:  Examines the criteria for selecting appropriate literature for children. Explores literature through a variety of genres, age levels, values taught through literature, and literary and artistic qualities of various texts. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.

