2017-2018 Catalog

Credit Completion Standards

Initial Standing: Student has attempted fewer than 9 cumulative credit hours will not be assessed for credit completion.

Good Standing: Student has attempted at least 9 cumulative credit hours and has a cumulative course completion rate of at least 50%.

Warning 1: Student has attempted at least 9 cumulative credit hours and has a cumulative course completion rate of less than 50% for the first time.

Warning 2: Student has attempted at least 9 cumulative credit hours and has a cumulative course completion rate of less than 50% for the second time.

Warning (continued): If a student on Credit Completion Probation passes 50% or more of their attempted term credits, but fails to raise their cumulative completion rate to 50%, they will be allowed to continue the next term, but will remain on Credit Completion Probation.

Warning 3: Student has attempted at least 9 cumulative credit hours and has a cumulative course completion rate of less than 50% for the third time.