- Complainant – One who files the complaint against the respondent.
- Days – Calendar days
- Disciplinary Action – Expulsion, probation, suspension, assignment of community services or other actions or conditions appropriate to the situation; these actions may be imposed through administrative hearing or appeals council.
- Finding – A decision as to whether it is more likely than not that a violation of the CCA Student Conduct Code occurred.
- Petitioner – One who files the grievance against the respondent.
- Probation – A status in which a student remains enrolled and in attendance, but under stated conditions.
- Respondent – One who responds to the request or complaint. In the case of student disciplinary matters, the student is the respondent.
- Student – Currently enrolled full-time or part-time student.
- Suspension – Dismissal of a student from the college or program for misconduct for a specified period of time. Suspension differs from expulsion because after the stated time period, the student is eligible for readmission.
- Warning – A status in which a student remains enrolled and in attendance, but is counseled to desist from specified undesirable course of action.