2015-2016 Catalog

Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) Calculation

Grade points indicate the achievement of the student for the number of credits completed. To calculate a grade point average, multiply the credits by the points for the grade earned, total the credits and points, and then divide the grade points by the credits.


Course Description Credits Grade Points
ANT 111 Physical Anthropology 3 A 12 (3x4)
BIO 201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 A 16 (4x4)
CSC 116 Logic and Program Design 3 B 9 (3x3)
ENG 121 English Composition I 3 D 3 (3x1)
POS 111 American National Government 3 F 0 (3x0)
Total 16 40

Grades awarded for developmental courses will not be included in a student’s grade point average (GPA). Grading for developmental courses will utilize the Developmental grade mode (S/A, S/B, S/C, U/D, U/F). The credits will count toward earned and attempted credits. GPAs for term recognition such as President’s List, Vice President’s List, and Dean’s List will not include developmental courses in the calculation.

Total grade points divided by total credits equals the cumulative grade point average. Therefore, the grade point average for the above example would be 40 divided by 16, or 2.50.

A = 4 grade points • B = 3 grade points • C = 2 grade points • D = 1 grade point: • F = 0 grade points